Join the COMMunity

If you're interested in the fields of  ADVERTISING, PUBLIC RELATIONS, BROADCASTING, OR WRITING &'ve come to the right place!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Join the CSSA 09-10 EXEC TEAM


Stay on the lookout for an e-mail application for positions on the CSSA exec for the 09-10 school year. Working on the exec is a great way to build skills, gain experience, make connections and get involved. Ask any of the execs this year and I'm sure they'll all agree.

A great way to get your foot in the door would be to mssg one of the current CSSA execs (via Facebook or and express your interest to them. And fill out the application - no resume required. 

Another year gone by!

Wow. Another year of York seems to have flown by. Despite the strike, I feel like the CSSA has accomplished a lot this year; new website ( - in case I haven't harped on it enought), growing membership (700!) and committee involvement, new newsletter (the CSSA connection) and a wiked Networking Event - see photo above.

I am confident the CSSA will continue to grow in years to come with the leadership of incoming Presidents, Maazin and Natasha. More good times and hands-on experiences gauranteed to come. I hope everyone involved with the CSSA had a great year! I sure as hell did. :)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Oh Its On!

So the CSSA has been taking it up a notch since the Strike has ended. Recent and upcoming events include a tour of Olive Media (a media buying company) with the Ad Committee, PR career info session and discussion panel, a NEW NEWSLETTER (courtesy of the Writing & Publishing Committee).

Also: 2 very exciting CSSA pieces of news:

1. The CSSA's 3rd Annual Networking Event has been booked for April 29th and it is going to be BIGGER AND BETTER than ever in the main room of the Underground. Sooo excited.

2. New website!! For those of you who have checked out the old one... you know its about time. The website has a cool new look with easy to follow relevant and CURRENT INFO. The cool thing about it is that we got a back entrance which means it is easy for all CSSA execs to update info on a regular basis - meaning more easy access news for u!

Special thanks to our amazing Jeremy and Maazin for hooking it up!!

Stay tuned for details on how to buy Networking tics and much much more

Sunday, February 1, 2009

HOorah! The Strike is Over

So... big news! On Jan. 29th, the York strike finally ended as 3,000+ TAs and part time staff were forced back to work by McGuinty. I must admit, despite my relief, it is almost more frustrating considering nothing was even resolved! Watch there be another strike in 2 years! (hopefully by that time ill be gone...)

In terms of CSSA stuff, there has been a few events that have gone on including a 102.1 the edge tour, an Ad Week concert, Hilton and Knowlton PR careers info session coming up this week, and a MacLaren McCann ad agency tour!! See facebook groups for more info!

Also, as you hopefully know, the CSSA released its first newsletter last week. Any feedback welcome here or to our email. Hopefully we can begin to release one a month from here on in. 

AND... last but not least... the executive team has begun to plan our Annual Networking Event/ Dinner with the Professionals. We're looking at early May this year considering the disruption to the school year. Stay tuned with more details when they have been finalized!

Goodluck to everyone in the upcoming... Fall? semester.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Upcoming Semester

So despite the lack of activity at York, due to the strike, we are still actively working on planning events for the Comm. student body! The execs are getting together this coming week to talk about the few events that have happened over the course of the strike (ie. ad agency tours) and to begin planning for the upcoming semester (fingers crossed that the bs finally ends!). The big item on the agenda.... our annual Networking Event/ 'Dinner with the Professionals'. To be bigger and better than ever before!!! muahaha ... Stay tuned. And..Happy Holidays to All!!