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If you're interested in the fields of  ADVERTISING, PUBLIC RELATIONS, BROADCASTING, OR WRITING &'ve come to the right place!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

HOorah! The Strike is Over

So... big news! On Jan. 29th, the York strike finally ended as 3,000+ TAs and part time staff were forced back to work by McGuinty. I must admit, despite my relief, it is almost more frustrating considering nothing was even resolved! Watch there be another strike in 2 years! (hopefully by that time ill be gone...)

In terms of CSSA stuff, there has been a few events that have gone on including a 102.1 the edge tour, an Ad Week concert, Hilton and Knowlton PR careers info session coming up this week, and a MacLaren McCann ad agency tour!! See facebook groups for more info!

Also, as you hopefully know, the CSSA released its first newsletter last week. Any feedback welcome here or to our email. Hopefully we can begin to release one a month from here on in. 

AND... last but not least... the executive team has begun to plan our Annual Networking Event/ Dinner with the Professionals. We're looking at early May this year considering the disruption to the school year. Stay tuned with more details when they have been finalized!

Goodluck to everyone in the upcoming... Fall? semester.